Logo Zahnmedizinisches Versorgungszentrum Keep-Smiling GmbH
  • Opening hours:
    • Mon., Tue., Thu. & Fri.: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
    • Mon - Fri.: 1:15 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
  • Address:
    • Röthgener Str. 28-32
    • 52249 Eschweiler
Keep Smiling We create great Smiles.
Keep Smiling We create great Smiles.
Keep Smiling We create great Smiles.
Keep Smiling We create great Smiles.


The bracket is hidden in the smile

Tooth misalignments are corrected without metal brackets and metal wires - so almost invisible. Such a correction is possible in many cases. With transparent, individually made and removable plastic rails, the teeth are brought into the right position step by step. Each rail can be worn for two weeks before it needs to be changed. The desired result is often reached after 25 rails, i.e. after 50 weeks. Treatment planning is carried out computer -supported.

The method developed for adults is now also available for young people. This system takes into account the peculiarities of the youthful teeth, such as not yet fully broken teeth. In meals, the wafer -thin plastic rails, so -called aligners, can be removed. The oral cavity and tooth decay can thus be avoided.

The clear alternative to the dental bracket

If you don't feel like brackets or wires in your mouth, the Invisalign method offers you a whole range of treatment options.

If some of your lasting teeth have not fully broken yet, the rails have to take the tooth breakthrough into account and leave space for your new teeth. This is only possible with these rails.

So that the movements of your teeth can function quickly and correctly, you should wear the rails whenever you eat nothing or brush your teeth. You can also see whether you are busy at the blue dots in the rail. They fade while wearing until they are colorless. The big advantage of the rails is also that they allow a much better oral hygiene compared to a treatment with fixed brackets. White spots (descaling) then no longer appear.

In the event of loss, up to six replacement aligners from Align Technology are delivered, free of charge.

After reaching the treatment goal, we stabilize the result with removable record apparatus. In addition, we recommend that you glue a small wire behind the front teeth, which you cannot see from the outside.

In order to address young patients, Align Technology Germany started the project "The Right Bite", which you can find at www.der-richtige-biss.de.